Sunday, January 18, 2009


So instead of sending out a family update letter I decided this might be a better way for us to keep the ones we love up to date on what is going on in our busy family. To get everyone up to speed, Ellie is now in second grade and Mia is in kindergarten. They both are doing very well in school and we are very proud of the girls as they both work very hard at their academic success. Ellie is now reading chapter books and Mia is beginning to read as well.

Ellie has declared her desire to become a doctor when she grows up. Mia would like to be dentist. Of course they are only 7 and 5 so a lot will change between nown and then, but it is fun to see them beginning to put their dreams together.

I am working for a great company and loving my job. Work keeps me very busy but I have learned recently to balance work and family time much better than I have in the past. The girls love it and so do I. Kyle is working for a great company as well. He has been very busy and challenged this winter with all of the weather issues. We both feel very fortunate.

For those of you who know us well, you all know how important our animals are to us. Callie, our lab that we adopted from Echo Glen in April is doing so well. When she came to our home she was still pretty scared. She had a rough beginning but her life has turned around and she has come out of her shell. I think if she could she would spend the whole day on the couch. In October, we adopted Otis. Otis is a blind lab, who also had a tough start. He is about five years old and had been in a number of homes before finding his forever home with us. Otis has helped Callie become a great dog. He is one of the happiest dogs I have ever known and his blindness does not slow him down at all.

Well I will keep things up to speed here. Take care and don't forget to call us!